Levenmouth Reconnected Programme

Levenmouth Reconnected Programme

The Levenmouth Reconnected Programme, formerly known as the the Levenmouth Reconnected Blueprint Fund, is a £10 million fund focussed on stimulating growth and economic prosperity in support of the improvements being brought to the area by the new Leven rail link, active travel connectivity improvements and bus integration.

This investment will help to deliver sustainable and inclusive growth in the area through:

  • the creation of new employment, skills and learning opportunities;
  • strengthening inward investment potential and access to wider markets;
  • improving accessibility to and from Levenmouth’s towns and communities; therefore improving access to key services for all;
  • providing improved connectivity as part of wider integration transport ambitions.


The programme aims to deliver against four themes and outcomes which are closely aligned to the Levenmouth Local Community Plan.

These are:

Opportunities for all

Elderly couple walking along pathSeveral communities within the Levenmouth area are currently experiencing unacceptable levels of poverty and deprivation. This has resulted in poor health issues amongst many locals, which, coupled with poor transport links and poor access to services, has resulted in severe social isolation for some, negatively affecting physical and mental well-being.

We are therefore looking to support projects that aim to:

  • improve health outcomes for local people;
  • increase family learning and adult learning opportunities;
  • support local services for the young, old and vulnerable people in our communities;
  • support anti-poverty interventions.

Inclusive jobs and growth

People in cafe with cakeWe have an opportunity to build on the area’s tourism potential, such as golf and the River Leven valley, Silverburn Park, industrial heritage, Wemyss Caves, Fife Coastal Path and the Pilgrims Way. These key assets can be utilsed to provide more employment opportunities for local people.

We are therefore looking to support projects that aim to:

  • increase local opportunities for skills development and training;
  • support tourism and leisure employment opportunities;
  • ensure a local dividend from the energy park development, and other large-scale local projects.

Community-led services

Community meetingThe programme aims to support social entrepreneurial behaviours in local people, whether that is for purely social benefit or for kick-starting a new business venture that has a degree of community benefits.

Volunteering, and the development of community champions who can encourage greater local participation in community groups and volunteering activities can also bring a sense of community ownership and pride in their communities.

We are also looking to support mechanisms that allow local people to use their skills to assist others in a mutually beneficial way.

We are looking to support projects that will:

  • develop and support community leadership in all forms;
  • increase volunteering opportunities;
  • increased use of participatory budget approaches;
  • promote and support community asset transfer, where possible.

Thriving places

Community gardenWell maintained town centres and high streets with open and adaptable spaces with something for everyone, can promote economic activity through higher footfall. Through the Levenmouth Reconnected Programme, we want to support Levenmouth’s town centres as social hubs, providing a connection through better pedestrian and cycling connectivity with neighbouring assets.

Through improved access to services and public transport links (including the rail link) between towns in Fife and beyond, we have the opportunity to encourage good quality development in Levenmouth.

We also have the opportunity to maximise our environmental assets as places where local people and visitors want to spend leisure time.

We will utilise our cultural heritage as part of the Levenmouth story, and ensure it is used to develop the potential for visitors and conveys a positive area image which supports community pride.

We will continue to promote multi-agency approaches to tackle issues of anti-social behaviour, notably around illegal motorcycle use. Other activity will focus on the key priorities contained within the local police plan, again these issues will be tackled using a partnership approach.

We are therefore looking to support projects that aim to:

  • create improvements in transport connectivity (walking, cycling, bus and rail);
  • have targeted action on anti-social behaviour issues;
  • improve our local town centres;
  • maximise the quality of the built and natural environment;
  • help Levenmouth adapt to the effects of climate change whilst helping to deliver Scotland’s net zero targets.