Case studies

Large Grant Awards Case Studies

Mountfleurie Business Park Site Servicing

Applicant: Fife Council

Total project cost: £1,088,496

LRP funding award: £683,496

Project aims

  • Creation of serviced and accessible site to enable development of Class 4, 5 and 6 business units for lease or sale

Project benefits

  • 1.05Ha of land turned from vacant and derelict to employment land
  • Lever £4-£5m private sector investment
  • Up to 57 direct FT jobs and 114 indirect FT jobs
  • Creation of sustainably accessible employment land served by Levenmouth Active Travel Network and bus services

Buckhaven Green Network Enhancement

Applicant: CLEAR Buckhaven and Methil

Total project cost: £287,852

LRP funding award: £178,345

Project aims

  • Planting and environmental improvements along key corridors in Methil and Buckhaven linking to River Leven.
  • Seating areas, small scale public art
  • Community engagement

Project benefits

  • Biodiversity enhancements
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Public ownership
  • Enhancing active travel links to Cameron station
  • Improving health through active travel
  • Conservation

Silverburn Park Flax Mill

Applicant: Fife Employment Access Trust

Total project cost: £8,464,088

LRP funding award: £500,000

Project aims

  • Silverburn Flax Mill restoration
  • Provide a tourist information hub, hostel, café and shop
  • Training facilities
  • Community engagement

Project benefits

  • Visitor attraction on Coastal Path
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Employment
  • Enhancing active travel links to Cameron station
  • Improving health and wellbeing
  • Rural skills

Kennoway Pump Track

Applicant: Fife Council

Total project cost: £189,401

LRP funding award: £43,754

Project aims

  • Create a ‘state of the art’ pump track with floodlighting

Project benefits

  • Visitor attraction particularly for young people
  • Visitors will use Levenmouth Rail to access the pump track
  • Estimated 350 users per month

Guided Start/Positive Futures

Applicant: Community Trade Hub

Total project cost: £269,400

LRP funding award: £202,050

Project aims

  • Training programme for young people bridging the gap from education to work
  • Local environment improvements carried out through training programme.

Project benefits

  • Improve young peoples’ skills
  • Increase employment opportunities
  • Reduce antisocial behaviour

Levenmouth Business Park

Applicant: Fife Council

Total project cost: £2,281,000

LRP funding award: £714,253

Project aims

  • Build 7 business units

Project benefits

  • Helping to create and sustain jobs
  • Site is easily accessible from Cameron Bridge Rail Station through active travel network

Levenmouth Bus Network

Applicant: Fife Council

Total project cost: £6,400,000

LRP funding award: £1,747,046 over three years

Project aims

  • Connect the communities of Levenmouth with essential services, employment areas, education facilities, leisure facilities and new rail stations

Project benefits

  • New bus services serving all communities in Levenmouth and enabling connections to rail services for full duration of rail timetable
  • Improved opportunities for travelling around Levenmouth by public transport
  • Reduces reliance on private car transport
  • Increases mode share to sustainable transport for residents and visitors