
Thinking of applying for funding?

The Levenmouth Reconnected Programme is welcoming applications for grant funding for proposed projects that support the four key grant themes:

  • Opportunities for all
  • Inclusive jobs and growth
  • Thriving places
  • Community led services

Projects must also maximise the economic and social value of the re-opened rail link to Leven to the communities of the Levenmouth area.

Applicants can be from any of the following groups and don't have to be based or live in the area to apply. However the project must take place within the programme boundaries.

  • Community and voluntary organisations (constituted bodies such as development trusts)
  • Businesses
  • Public organisations
  • Partnerships
  • Social enterprises
  • Charities
  • Community interest companies

Eligible areas

Any proposed project must fall within an area(s) of the Levenmouth Council Wards 21 and 22. These area boundaries are defined within the map below. Please insert the postcode of the project location to check if it falls within these boundaries.


Funding available

The Levenmouth Reconnected Programme is currently offering two levels of funding support to eligible organisations and projects. These are:

Small Grants Scheme

Applicants can apply for a maximum of 90% of the total eligible project costs of no more than £5,000 (exclusive of VAT).

Applications are also welcome for up to £5,000 towards the cost of larger eligible projects.

Large Grants Scheme

Presently there is no limit to the amount of funding an applicant can apply for, however, the Levenmouth Reconnected Programme will only fund projects to a maximum of 75% of total eligible project costs.

When can applications be submitted?

Applications for the Small Grants Scheme can be submitted at any time until the funding round closes.

Expressions of interest for the next round of Large Grant funding can now be submitted.

If your organisation is wishing to submit an application to the Levenmouth Reconnected Programme Large Grant Fund, we are inviting expressions of interest in the first instance. These should be submitted to

The deadline for submitting an expression of interest is the 28th February 2024.

These will be reviewed and projects that meet the above criteria will be encouraged to submit a full application. The deadline for full applications will be the 29th March 2024. Projects that do not meet the criteria will be contacted and advice provided on how a project can improve its submission in order to progress to full application.

Expressions of interest should contain the following: