Levenmouth Reconnected Programme

The Levenmouth Reconnected Programme (LRP) is a package of measures designed to maximise the economic and social benefits of the new Leven rail link.

The Programme has a £10million fund to support this objective by funding projects that meet the four themes of:

Opportunities for all icon
Opportunities for all

Thriving place icon
Thriving places

Growth and jobs icon
Inclusive jobs and growth

Community led icon
Community-led services

The Programme will support development of a Levenmouth-wide Active Travel network linking all communities and the two new rail stations. This network will include routes along the River Leven corridor being developed as part of the River Leven Programme.

Bus services will also be improved to connect communities to rail services. Investment in employment land is also planned to increase employment opportunities in Levenmouth which will be accessible from the new rail stations. Projects seeking funding are invited to apply – see link below.

The new rail line and the projects supported by the Levenmouth Reconnected Programme will transform Levenmouth into a place to live, work, learn, play and visit.

It’s all go for Levenmouth, so stay tuned to be part of it…

Project funding

The Levenmouth Reconnected Programme is welcoming applications for grant funding for proposed projects that support the priorities of the area.

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